Malware analysis & Reverse engineering

Malware Lab Setup


  • Hypervisor
    • VirtualBox
  • Virtual Machines
    • Windows VM-Flare
    • Linux VM-REMnux

Hypervisor Installation

  • Download and install virtualbox from the download links.

Setting up Windows VM

  • Download Windows 10 and extract the zipped file
  • Create New Virtual Machine & start the VM
  • Take a snapshot then install Flare VM
  • After installation take another snapshot

Setting up REMnux VM

  • Extract and launch the REMnux VM distribution
  • Start the REMnux VM then take a snapshot.

Hypervisor Network Configuration

  • Make sure no virtual Machine is running
  • Click on Tools drop down menu then choose Network
  • Create New Virtual Adapter likely will be Adapter 2
  • Enable DHCP Server on the new adapter
  • Configure Adapter manually & change IP address

VM Network Configuration

  • Open VM Settings for both Windows and REMnux VM
  • Disable other adapters
  • Change their network settings to: Select new adapter under Name
    Attached to: Host-Only Adapter
    Name: VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter #2
  • Start both VMs, check their IP addresses & ping, & each other VM to test network


  • Open termnial run sudo nano /etc/inetsim/inetsim.conf to edit Fakenet config file
  • Remove # & Make Changes to the following:
  • DNS Default is the REMnux IP Address
    start service dns
    ( bind all interfaces)

Windows VM

  • Open Network Setting & right-click ethernet adapter then click Properties
  • Click Internet Protocol Version 4 (IPv4) then Properties
  • Select Use the following DNS Server Addresses then add REMnux IP address


Basic Static Analysis:

  • File hashes
  • VirusTotal
  • PEStudio
  • PEView

Basic Dynamic Analysis

  • Wireshark
  • Inetsim
  • Netcat
  • TCPView
  • Procmon

Advanced Static Analysis

Decompilers and Disassemblers

  • IDA Pro
  • Ghidra
  • OllyDbg
  • Cutter

Advanced Dynamic Analysis


  • flareqdb
  • scdbg
  • windbgx64
  • windbgx86
  • x32dbg
  • x64dbg
